
Blogging over the long term takes: Passion, Purpose, Productivity, People Skills, Planning and Persistence. Many bloggers don’t have what it takes because a significant number of blogs registered today will be abandoned or deleted in less than a year from its start date. If you have a blog, you may understand the chances and importance of business blogging. Optimizing them to make search friendly is a crucial task as important as maintaining a blog.

Let’s see some of the basics of blogging SEO:

Own domain and hosting

You need your own domain and hosting to maintain a blog. Free blog set ups does not do any favors for your SEO efforts. This is because Google only need to point websites that are relevant and trustworthy.

Solve problems with original content

The most featured thing about Google is that it never compromises any violations. It only favors for relevancy and trustworthiness. Google can provide you with useful search results. Massively useful contents are required to boost your SEO experience. If you solve the problems that people are searching, then there is a chance for you to get noticed on social media or other networking sites. The word ‘original content’ actually means photos, videos, podcasts, tools and plugins.

Relevant backlinks

A backlink is when one website links back to your site from their site. We should not buy any cheap backlinks because it may get banned from Google. If the backlink is from an excellent ranking blog, then its importance increases. Links from authority domain names, say .edu, .gov etc. are good for your blogs. Anchor text is another thing that matters. It is the word that is used as the link. And this word should be related with the targeted keyword. Strictly speaking, the finest way to build quality backlinks is to write amazing quality contents.

Theme should be optimized

Optimization is an important thing since it is needed to indicate Google that your blog is trustworthy. Things to be taken care of are:

  • Coding: It is important to make sure that your theme is cleanly coded with the latest techniques.
  • Fast loading: It improves the user experience hence providing Google good indications. Cache plugins can be used to speed up the things.
  • Original: Newly developed and original site has many advantages over sites with old domain names.
  • No broken bits: Clean up the broken links and ease up your navigation.

Comment on other blogs

We can make the blog engaging by commenting on authority blogs. It gives more traffic and exposure to your site. Hence you can easily rank higher on the search results page.

Role of social media profiles

Social media participation is now becoming very important because most of the people are spending their time on social networking sites. The articles and advertisement on such platforms are becoming more relevant and highly visiting.

SEO plugins

To improve your SEO experience, you can install Word Press plugins which helps in getting some help with SEO. It does all the page analysis, content creation, optimization and many more.

Use these techniques and make searchable, your most powerful marketing tool for ideal customers.