Google Hummingbird

Five SEO Content Tips for Achieving Benefits Provided by Google Hummingbird Update

We know that there are different types of algorithm updates introduced by Google with the aim of improving the user search experience, provide relevant information, and to keep away spammy webpages out of its SERPs. Hummingbird algorithm has been the first major update to Google’s search algorithm since 2010 and it was aimed at improving the indexing of information instead of sorting of information. Also, this algorithm is aimed at improving conversational search, giving priority to long-tail keywords, and for understanding the user’s intent.

Google Hummingbird is all about semantic search, and it helps the search engine in knowing the intent behind a user’s search query. If you are developing content that includes long-tail search terms, the search engine will give more visibility in its SERPs if Google finds it relevant for its intended users. Here are five SEO tips on boosting your content, and getting benefits provided by Google Hummingbird.

Mobile Search Optimization

Now the SEO landscape knows that Google is serious about mobile after the April 2015 algorithm update. Google is now encouraging webmasters to give users an optimal mobile experience by offering mobile-optimized websites with SEO rankings and at the same time penalizing websites that do not have their mobile-optimized versions. If you want to evaluate your website mobile optimization, then use Google’s free mobile-friendly test tool, and you follow the suggestions offered by the tool. The mobile-friendliness update provides great user experience on smartphones and tablets, and the connection with the Hummingbird update will become clearly visible to you when you use the following SEO techniques:

  • As mobile devices have small screens you need to make font size large enough so that users do not need to zoom in to read your content.
  • To avoid horizontal scrolling you need to use responsive writing blocks
  • It will be easy to click the right when you space out important links

Give More Focus on Long-tail Keywords

One clear connection between Google’s mobile-friendliness update and Hummingbird is that people these days use voice search on their mobile, and this means that when you are on the road feeling hungry, you are asking you’re a full question, like “where is the nearest McDonald’s?” These days, businesses have started investing on long-tail search queries on both desktop and mobile search platforms. According to Google Adwords Keyword Planner, there are over 8,000 average monthly searches that are questions. The usage of mobile device is changing people’s search behavior online, and with Google constantly trying to determine a user’s intent through the Hummingbird algorithm to serve up the best results. It is important for you to discover the language your audience uses while they are searching on desktop and mobile.

You need more long-tail keywords if you use a more conversational tone on the mobile version of your website. When you conduct a keyword research on the perfect long-tail search queries, keep in mind to actually perform the search on Bing and Yahoo to ensure that the results mean what you think they mean.

Make Your Site Optimized for Local Search

If you are also targeting local traffic then you need to include local search queries on your website and it is just as important for mobile search as desktop search. To acquire local search traffic for your brand and location you can insert local search keywords naturally in your website content. When you exclude your geographic region, even for online businesses, misses out on a lot of potential customers who prefer to do business locally.

Keep Up with Current Developments in the SEO World

A lot of SEO professionals and content marketers think that they know it all and don’t update their skills and SEO knowledge. You need to keep in mind that SEO landscape is changing year by year and the techniques you learned today won’t be effective after 4 or 5 years. Also, there is a difference between updating your skills and keeping up with SEO news. When it comes to a content marketer, updating your skills makes you a smart content marketing specialist, and keeping up with SEO news makes you an exceptional one. You can rely on reliable SEO resources such as Google Webmaster Central Blog, Search Engine Watch, Serountable, etc for keeping up with latest trends, tools and techniques.

With more and more businesses investing on online marketing campaigns, you need to think of content strategies that when implemented will make your brand stand out from the crowd.